Doesn't it look cool? Each individual part of the cell possessed the capability of being clicked on so a window with links to information about that part would pop up. I received a weeks worth of in-class biology lessons in a few minutes. There is a mitochondria right by Cinderella's head! I am just astonished that before a few weeks ago I never knew such technology even existed because I am no technology guru. Now, I have virtual cell parts floating by my head.
Cinderella went from exploring about DNA to laying out on the beach getting tan in just a few minutes. There was even a virtual school on this island as well, that I actually got to explore and a thought occurred to me that someday in the future children might be virtually attending school online or in a virtual world such as Second Life.
Finally Cinderella's last stop was a dive into the unconscious as explained by Freud. Cinderella took a tour of the Second Life's representation of Sigmund Freud's theory of the three part psyche. Cinderella and I examined how the Id, Ego and Superego played a part in Sigmund theory and how each worked, like what impulses our Id tells us that our Ego and Superego suppress. I studied about Freud in my psychology classes, but never in this interactive way before. I got to experience first hand about each part of the personality as explained by Freud and even participate in some exercises about each, learning about my brain's impulses and desires that never reach my consciousness. This exploration was my favorite because I am very interested in studying psychology and Second Life can actually aid me in doing so.
So another adventure down, still many more to come. I have not even scratched the surface of all the places that I want to visit in Second Life. Cinderella and I are not sure where we want to go next but I know it will be interesting and educational. Until then...goodbye!! Sweet Dreams.....
Let's meet to get these photos placed properly.
ReplyDeleteThey are just links in your blog.