Thursday, October 15, 2009

"Burning Up" My Life

I once heard a song that went "One is the loneliest number," and this song applies directly to my Second Life experience. So far in my adventures I have been exploring alone. All the sites that I visited have been sparse of people and I haven't spoken to many other avatars either. I want this all to change and that is why I have made the huge decision to attend the Burning Life Festival, beginning this weekend in Second Life. The only problem is, I have no idea what Burning Life is!!

The basics that I know about Burning Life are that there are going to be thousands of avatars attending and this fact makes me a little apprehensive, but I still want to break out of my so-called "comfort zone" and join in the festivities. I am pretty positive that I want to go to the Burning Life Fashion Show. I love shopping and buying clothes and I have never been to a fashion show in real life before, so why not in my virtual life and this one promises to be unique. I have no idea what to expect, but I cannot wait until Saturday at 9pm, when the event begins. I really hope that all goes well because there are other fascinating events that are coming up later in the festival that I also want to attend. The second event that I want to attend is the Temple Burn, but I want to see what my first experience is like before I decide to attend this one. Again, I don't know what Temple Burn is about or what is going to happen, but I am "burning" with desire to find out.

I hope to amass a great deal of information about Second Life and virtual worlds from this event. I want to see the millions of avatars that are out there and that Second Life is not so (using a suitcase word) "creepy," meaning that there are actually nice people in SL and not just stalkers, as some people think. I also want to compare virtual worlds events to real life ones. Do people get as rowdy in virtual world as they do at lets say a football game? What is the etiquette? I am going to find out.

Deciding to go to Burning Life is going to be a unique experience because I am usually a "play it safe" type of person, and going to Burning Life, I wouldn't exactly say is not safe, which it might not be, but it definetely is not going to be boring. I am going to see if I can get a friend's avatar to come with me and maybe that will make me less apprehensive. This event can't begin soon enough and I am bubbling with excitement thinking about it. Burning life begins in a day and a half!

1 comment:

  1. You'll be able to get to Burning Life from the Web site as soon as the festival begins. Look for live teleport links at the Web page.

    I'll show how these work in class today. You open SL, click the Web link in your Web browser, and your avatar can go straight to the site in SL.

    People do get rowdy at BL. They dance, shout, socialize, and tease each other at the dance and music events. At the fashion show I imagine it's more sedate but who knows! The art exhibits have a few avatars looking around, but by Saturday you may have small groups there, too.

    Keep in mind one important thing. All times are Pacific Coast 6pm means 9pm Richmond time.
